First Responsible Suppliers

Getting Started

If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, contract bottler or retailer supplying beverage containers into/within Tasmania, you may be considered a First Responsible Supplier (FRS). Over the coming months, you will need to complete the steps below to determine if you will need to sign a supply agreement and register your products with TasRecycle.

Step 1. Are you a First Responsible Supplier?

Use these links to determine if you may be considered a First Responsible Supplier and if your containers are eligible.

Step 2. Register with us

You can now register your company details and a supply agreement will be generated for your Company Directors to sign. Please note all supply agreements are the same and no amendments can be made.

Step 3. Register your containers (Coming Soon, 1 March 2025!)

Once a Supply Agreement is in place and the system is open, you can register your eligible containers.

Step 4. Submit Actual Sales Volumes

Once Recycle Rewards commences, you must submit your company’s actual sales volumes in line with your contractual obligations.

First Responsible Suppliers
Supplier Obligations